El Heraldo
May 12, 2023

The Venezuelan population residing in Sincelejo received medical attention

With the support of the organization Blumont and the Colombian Civil Air Patrol, the Municipality of Sincelejo provided a medical care day for the Venezuelan population settled in the capital of Sucre.‍
More than 2,000 people, 90% of them migrants, benefited from the activity held at the headquarters of the Simón Araújo Educational Institution.

Suad Banque Guevara, delegate of Early Childhood, Childhood, and Family Strengthening of the Municipality of Sincelejo, explained that this activity is part of the Welcoming program.

"Through these partnerships, we are reaching out to cover the needs of the migrant population in Sincelejo. In the Welcoming program, 80% are Venezuelans and 20% are Colombians," she said.